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Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | Immigration inquiries surge and immigration scholars worry about losing young talents before the return


After the news that the National People's Congress launched the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" was exposed, big data analysis showed that the search for the keyword "immigration" and other words had quadrupled. Some immigration consultants said that the single-day immigration enquiry soared tenfold, and the proportion of young people intending to immigrate soared. Some scholars have analyzed that the number of immigrants has increased in recent years, which is related to the accumulation of social unrest and dissatisfaction. I believe that the introduction of the "National Security Law" will cause a siege impact or accelerate the immigration trend, but the scale of immigration caused is still unknown. to be observed. He believes that, compared with the "immigration wave" before the reunification, the age of immigrants is now considered younger, and they are concerned about the loss of young professionals. Even if imported talents are filled from abroad, the latter "does not take Hong Kong as their home in the long run." The fundamental changes, how to inject vitality and innovation in cities, will become a subject.

Social News

Written by: Zheng Qiuling

2020-05-23 21:22

Date of last update: 2020-05-23 21:22

After the news that the National People's Congress launched the "Hong Kong version of the National Security Law" was exposed, big data analysis showed that the search for the keyword "immigration" and other words had quadrupled. Some immigration consultants said that the single-day immigration enquiry soared tenfold, and the proportion of young people intending to immigrate soared.

Some scholars have analyzed that the number of immigrants has increased in recent years, which is related to the accumulation of social unrest and dissatisfaction. I believe that the introduction of the "National Security Law" will cause a siege impact or accelerate the immigration trend, but the scale of immigration caused is still unknown. to be observed. He believes that, compared with the "immigration wave" before the reunification, the age of immigrants is now considered younger, and they are concerned about the loss of young professionals. Even if imported talents are filled from abroad, the latter "does not take Hong Kong as their home in the long run." The fundamental changes, how to inject vitality and innovation in cities, will become a subject.

Further reading: Hong Kong version of the National Security Law | Immigration enquiries soared ten times in a single day, young people will use the first phase as capital

Zhong Jianhua: It remains to be seen if the "National Security Law" is worried about the immigration wave

Enter the eye of "National Security Law" in the web searcher, and the accompanying keyword includes "immigration". Zhong Jianhua, retired assistant professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences and deputy chief executive of the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion, said that immigration is related to the accumulation of social unrest and dissatisfaction. In recent years, Hong Kong ’s political environment has been an important factor, and Beijing ’s policy on Hong Kong has changed. The mentality of "have to walk well"; and the latest "National Security Law" has been introduced, together with unclear details, etc., worries about suppressing freedom and changing the existing value of Hong Kong have come one after another, resulting in an increase in immigration inquiries. Siege, or accelerate the immigration trend.

However, he believes that immigration decisions involve complex factors, and the increase in enquiries may not necessarily be implemented. Therefore, whether a new wave of "immigration" will occur after the return will remain unknown in the short term and remains to be seen.

Zhong Jianhua, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences of the Retired Polytechnic University and Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Hong Kong Institute of Public Opinion. (Profile picture / Photograph by Gao Zhongming)

Young people tend to choose places with lower immigration costs

According to Zhong Jianhua's analysis, compared with the "immigration wave" caused by the Sino-British negotiations in the 1980s and the June 4th incident in 1989 before the reunification, there are two major changes in the current immigration trend. In recent years, the United States, Canada, etc. have seen a greater tendency towards Asia, especially Taiwan, Singapore, and even some more biased countries.

The other is the immigrant age group and the asset class. Zhong Jianhua pointed out that the “immigration wave” before the reunification was mainly driven by middle-aged people who had certain assets, so their emigration places were mainly in Europe and the United States; Younger and younger immigrants have increased enquiries, and places with lower immigration costs have become options. He cited, for example, that in recent years, he saw a plan launched by an immigrant Taiwan intermediary company, which can be similar to the funds for selling HOS, and can be arranged to move to Tainan.


Zhong Jianhua believes that the current and pre-return immigration phenomena are mainly due to economic forces. Compared with the previous middle-aged immigrants, assets are taken away. If the immigrant group is dominated by young people, it is a loss of talent, especially young people in professional fields such as lawyers. , Nurses, etc. In the long run, even if one recruits foreign talents through one-way permits, imported talent programs, etc., it appears that “some people go and some people come”, but foreign talents “do not use Hong Kong as their home in the long run”, and Hong Kong ’s social fundamentals have changed, such as culture It is inevitable to think about whether the aging talent will make the social development tendency "conservative", how to inject vitality and innovation, etc.

Over 500,000 immigrants left Hong Kong from 1987 to 1996

According to previous publications of the Census and Statistics Department, from 1987 to 1996, the number of immigrants in Hong Kong reached 503,800. For the 40 years in Hong Kong as of 2007, the wave of immigration was mainly concentrated between 1990 and 1994. The number of immigrants continued to decline after 1995. The number of immigrants in 2003 was the lowest since 1981, and the number of immigrants from 1998 to 2007 The number of people is stable at about 10,000 per year.

"Hong Kong Demographic Trends 1986-2016" pointed out that Hong Kong does not have direct and comprehensive immigration and immigration figures, but only the net difference between the immigration and immigration flows of the population is used as a measurement indicator, and the number of immigrants is reduced by the number of immigrants. , See negative numbers in 2004, 2009, 2011 and 2013. A report released by "Hong Kong 2030+" in November 2016 mentioned that it is estimated that about 800,000 Hong Kong people have moved overseas since 1980, and nearly 90% of them have settled in the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United Kingdom.

The number of applicants for the "Good People's Certificate" soared in the second half of last year

In addition, Hong Kong calculates the number of people who emigrate overseas. One of the estimates is based on the number of applications for a certificate of no criminal record commonly known as a "good citizen certificate". According to the Legislative Council documents, from 2012 to 2016, there were more than 105,000 applications for "good citizen certificate", that is, an average of 21,000 applications per year.

According to the voluntary survey of the above-mentioned applications, more than half of the applications are for immigrants, of which 58% were in 2012 and 2015, and the first five immigrant countries and regions include Canada, the United States, Australia, Taiwan and Mainland China or Macau. Most of the applicants for immigration purposes are SAR passport holders, accounting for 73.4% and 72.6% in 2015 and 2016, an increase of about 10 percentage points from the previous ones; followed by those holding passports of other nationalities, in 2015 and In 2016, it fell to 23.5% and 24.9%.

According to police figures, from January to April last year, the number of applications for "Good People's Certificate" has been similar to the same period in 2018, and it has been on an upward trend since May. Since June, the number of applications for each month has been higher than last year. The increase over the same period has been expanding. There were 2,373 applications in June, an increase of 12% over the same period in 2018; 3,049 applications in July, an increase of 41% year-on-year; 3,649 applications in August, an increase of 54% year-on-year; and 3,597 applications in September , Compared with 1,657 in the same period in 2018, an increase of nearly 1.2 times. In total, from June to the end of October last year, more than 15,000 people applied for a "good citizen certificate".

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Source: hk1

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